Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Timecube Rant Generator

I was just goofing around with the Random CS Paper Generator and the Post-Modern Essay Generator and I thought I would take a crack at making my own.

I just finished my first attempt at creating a random Timecube-style rant generator. If you don't know what Timecube is, you really must see it. It's quite the thing.

Here is a typical Timecube rant:

If I tell a human that his 4-corner head (nose, 2 ears and back corner) has only a 1-corner face, the dumb-ass will say to me - "prove it". He knows not that his face is a corner.

Here is a rant generated by my program:

Gene ray is not intelligent. Stay tuned for armageddon. Evil to obama must resign now antiwhite. Time cube students must ignore cube. Time cube is to admit it is proof. Time cube proves you. I am organizing children. Overpopulation is a snot brain to a liar not have 4 is a 360 degree circle.

The program generates random sentences using a Markov model, which treats a sequence of words as a Markov process. The Markov model is trained in advance using a large collection of actual Timecube rants. The first word of each sentence is chosen using another model, which looks at the sorts of words that Gene Ray tends to open his sentences with. There is another model that tries to make sure that each sentence is an appropriate length and ends with the sort of word that Gene Ray tends to end his setences with. I find it ironic that I ended my previous sentence with a preposition.

Looking at a bunch of rants generated by the program, I am only half-satisfied. The good news is that the model does end up ranting about four-way symetry, and frequently employs racist language. The model's biggest weakness is its ignorance of sentence structure. Many of the rants aren't very entertaining because they don't have any sort of sentence structure. Even Gene Ray does adhere to a sort of unconventional grammar, despite the generally incoherent nature of his writing.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Google Artificial Intelligence Contest

Our congratulations goes out to the winner of this year's Google Artificial Intelligence Contest, Alexandru Stan! A big thank you also goes out to the University of Waterloo Computer Science Club for organizing and hosting the contest. Full contest results are available here.

In the 2009 Google Artificial Intelligence Contest, participants used both simple and sophisticated AI techniques to create programs that would intelligently play a simple game. The submitted programs competed in head-to-head tournaments to see how they all ranked compared to one another. Contestants could re-submit their code on the contest website as often as they liked, and the online leaderboard was updated once every hour with fresh tournament results.

A screenshot of the hourly leaderboard after the contest had been open for a few days.

The contest was initially supposed to stay open for two weeks, but was extended by another week due to unexpectedly high participation. Almost 300 participants were involved, with about 150 people submitting their entries to the final tournament. The contest webpage received over 50,000 hits from 38 countries. The final tournament took place at the Contest Finale Code Party, held at the University of Waterloo.

Pictures from the Contest Finale Codeparty. Left: the very talented Mr. Jesse Onland serenades some happy coders with his mad banjo skills. Right: some contestants huddle while adding the finishing touches to their entries. Bottom: the contest organizer, Jeff Cameron, with this year's grand champion, Alex Stan.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Done Midterms!

Finally midterms are over! To celebrate, a few of us went out to Kickoff to have a few beers and unwind. We also played a few games of chess.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Random Goofing Around in the MC Building

You can often find us studying and goofing off at the table in the hall outside the CSC in the MC building. Here are some pics of John and Brennan, as well as a video of Mike.

Here is a video of Mike talking to himself while writing some code for his Distributed Computing class. If you listen carefully, you can hear Brennan making a Your Mom joke about overflowing a 32-bit buffer. Only at UW...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Paul Martin

Paul Martin is a very successful politician, and a Canadian hero.  His biggest accomplishment is probably the elimination of the federal Canadian budgetary deficit between 1993 and 1995.  Despite record deficits under Mulroney, Mr. Martin took only two years to rein in government spending and establish a long tradition of budgetary surpluses that lasted more than a decade.  

But that's not why I am blogging about him today.  This blog post exists only so that I can share the following hilarious picture with you.  
Former Prime Minister Paul Martin posing with CSC members Qifan Xi, Jake Parker, Joel, and Holden Karau on No-Pants Friday

Here's the story.  Two days ago it was a regular "No-Pants Friday" in the Computer Science Club at the University of Waterloo.  Then someone comes along and announces that former Prime Minister Paul Martin is making a surprise visit and will be speaking in a few moments.  Several members of the CSC head out to go see Mr. Martin, not bothering to put any pants on, of course.  This photo was taken after the talk.