Sunday, February 15, 2009

Paul Martin

Paul Martin is a very successful politician, and a Canadian hero.  His biggest accomplishment is probably the elimination of the federal Canadian budgetary deficit between 1993 and 1995.  Despite record deficits under Mulroney, Mr. Martin took only two years to rein in government spending and establish a long tradition of budgetary surpluses that lasted more than a decade.  

But that's not why I am blogging about him today.  This blog post exists only so that I can share the following hilarious picture with you.  
Former Prime Minister Paul Martin posing with CSC members Qifan Xi, Jake Parker, Joel, and Holden Karau on No-Pants Friday

Here's the story.  Two days ago it was a regular "No-Pants Friday" in the Computer Science Club at the University of Waterloo.  Then someone comes along and announces that former Prime Minister Paul Martin is making a surprise visit and will be speaking in a few moments.  Several members of the CSC head out to go see Mr. Martin, not bothering to put any pants on, of course.  This photo was taken after the talk.